Copper Nickel Fasteners

Copper Nickel Fasteners are an ideal mixture of copper and nickel with additions of manganese and ferrous contents like iron which when combined together fight seawater corrosion. Cupro nickel fasteners and copper nickel fasteners are the most common trade names used in the fastener industry. It is used in marine seawater applications show excessive resistance towards corrosions and are often used for its unique feature of thermal stability.
Copper Nickel Fasteners are available in two variations viz 70-30 (C70600) and 90-10( C71500 ) .C70600 Copper nickel is stronger as of the two with a yield strength of 150 Mpa in annealed condition as compared to 120 Mpa of C75100 Copper Nickel. Especially in case of cupro nickel 70-30 bolts as compared to copper nickel 70-10 bolts where tensile is the deciding factor due to high level of corrosion in marine applications. Torqbolt is a well known Copper Nickel Fasteners supplier in India.

Copper Nickel Alloys are well known worldwide with different trade names and unique numbers. Following chart shows the exact equivalent designations corresponding to the cross reference of copper nickel alloys.

AlloyUNS No.British StandardEn nameWerkstoff No.
CuNi 70/30C715002871CuNi30Fe2.0882
CuNi 90/10C706002871CuNi10Fe2.0872

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