Stainless Steel Fasteners

Stainless Steel Fasteners with higher amounts of chromium and nickel as compared to other grades are referred as austenitic stainless steel. This steel is generally non-magnetic in nature. Austenitic steels have high corrosion resistance and cannot be hardened by heat treatment. The tensile strength of these Stainless Steel Fasteners range from 75000 to 105000 psi in as rolled condition.
Strain Hardening is done to achieve high tensile values ranging from 600 Mpa – 1100 Mpa depending on the Stainless steel Grades.
Below is the list of Strain Hardened Stainless Steel Grades as per ASTM Specifications referred as class 2.
Controlled chemistry of elements like carbon, sulphur and phosphorous are implemented to increase stainless steel sustainability at cryogenic temperatures which is at a very low temperature ranging from zero degrees to -80 degrees.
This results in high Toughness and impact resistance, which is a very important part of cryogenic applications.
Below is a list of all the Stainless Steel Fasteners used at lower temperatures Included equivalent designations of all L grades and A320 Fasteners.
Stainless Steel Fasteners with high carbon content is used at higher temperatures exceeding 550 Degrees Celsius. These Stainless Steel have good oxidation resistance and resistance to high temperature corrosion. In addition to that, it has higher mechanical properties at elevated temperatures.
One typical required of high temperature applications is that the grain size of this stainless steel has to be 7 or coarser.
Below is the list of all Austenitic Stainless Steel Fasteners with high carbon content used for high temperature applications.All grades of A193 & h grades including 310,309
Stainless Steel Fasteners in Solution annealed condition also known as carbide solution treated Stainless Steel Fasteners with low carbon content and high content of chromium and nickel and molybdenum are termed super Austenitic Stainless Steel Fasteners .
Heat treated fasteners with martensite grain structure is the specialty of martensitic Fasteners. With chromium content of 12%-18%, these stainless steels have poor welding characteristics with magnetics nature. Since this steel can be hardened by heat treatment tensile strength of 70000 to 145000 psi can be achieved.
Below is the list of most common martensitic stainless steel grades.
Ferrite grain structure is the specialty of Ferritic fasteners With chromium content of 12%-18%, these stainless steels have carbon content lesser than 0.2% enhancing poor welding characteristics with magnetics nature. Below is the list of most common Ferritic stainless steel grades.
Stainless Steel Fasteners Most familiar by the name iron-nickel alloys containing more than one precipitation hardening elements like titanium, aluminium, copper, niobium, and molybdenum. This stainless steel have high mechanical properties including the tensile strength and higher corrosion resistance.
Precipitation hardening steels are further divided into three different types.