Aisi 310 Stainless Steel Rings Specification

Aisi 310 Stainless Steel Rings manufactured at TorqBolt are corrosion resistant,low maintainence,silver finish.

Dimensional standards as per DIN 471,DIN 472,DIN 5417,DIN 983,AS 568,BS 1806,ISO 3601,DIN 3771 are provided.

The raw material of these fasteners is classified as Austenitic Stainless Steel. Being a PED certified Fasteners Manufacturer by TUV Rheinland,our fasteners are accompanied with EN 10204 3.1/3.2 certification. Aisi 310 Stainless Steel Rings are available in hot forged,cold forged and bar stock machined conditions depending upon the order quantity.

AISI 310 it has very good and appreciable properties with good ductility and weldeabilty. It has good oxidation resisatnce at higher temperatures as 1150 Degrees celcious. As it has more chromium and nickel content, as it is superior in most environmnets. It is used in over linings, boiler baffles, lead pots, combustion tubes, refractory. This type of rade is easily welded using fusion or resiatnce method, however, oxytelene welding is not recommended. During hot working rapid cooling is required to maximize corossion resistance.

Aisi 310 Stainless Steel Equivalent Designation

UNS DesignationBritish STDWerkstoff No.European STD

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