Aisi 316 Stainless Steel Set Screws Specification

Aisi 316 Stainless Steel Set Screws manufactured at TorqBolt are corrosion resistant,low maintainence,silver finish.

Dimensional standards as per DIN 913,DIN 914,DIN 915,DIN 916,DIN 551,DIN 553,DIN 438,BS 4203 are provided.

The raw material of these fasteners is classified as Austenitic Stainless Steel. Being a PED certified Fasteners Manufacturer by TUV Rheinland,our fasteners are accompanied with EN 10204 3.1/3.2 certification. Aisi 316 Stainless Steel Set Screws are available in hot forged,cold forged and bar stock machined conditions depending upon the order quantity.

AISI 316 is an austentic grade second to 304 in commercial importance It has additional molybdenum which gives improved corossion resistance when exposed to chlorides, it is immune to grain bundaries carbide precipitation. It is suited to use in heavy guage (over 6mm welded component) stainless steel 316 is used in food processing equipment, chemical and petrochemical equipment, coastal architecture, boat fittings, chemical transportation containers etc. It has good resistance to oxidation.

Aisi 316 Stainless Steel Equivalent Designation

UNS DesignationBritish STDWerkstoff No.European STD

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