Inconel Stud Bolts Specification

Inconel Stud Bolts are nickel alloy fasteners with base of austenitic chromium and nickel also known by the trade name Nickel-Chromium Alloys. It has high corrosion resistance to acids and alkalis with high mechanical properties and ductility subjected to high pressure and heats both.
Inconel Stud Bolts are difficult to machine and hot roll threading is done to ensure 100% thread strength. It forms a passivation oxide layer once heated and hence used at wide range of elevated temperatures.

Applications: Inconel Stud Bolts are used for high-pressure vessels, heat exchangers, nuclear reactors etc.

Nickel 200 Stud Bolts

Nickel 200 is commercially unadulterated (99.6%) fashioned Nickel with best of the mechanical properties and resistance to a range of corrosive media. It has Good thermal, electrical and magnetostrictive properties. Used for variety of processing equipment. Especially to retain product purity in handling foods, Synthetic fibres and alkali’s.